Carte Classement

Overgeared Guild

Nom de la Tribu :Overgeared Guild
Tag : OG
Nombre de membres :1
Nombre de points des 20 meilleurs joueurs203.975
Points totaux :203.975
Moyenne de points :203.975
Rang :22
Adversaires battus : 9.224 (73.)
» Fiche de la tribu (page externe)

Membres de la tribu

Nom Rang Points Classement général Villages
Grid 1 203,975 46 46
The Overgeared Guild was created during the Golem Army Invasion. That time, the Tzedakah Guild had expressed their intention to go under Grid, achieving more than the minimum of 15 people required to establish a guild. It was also a perfect opportunity to raise the guild experience because of the guild quests.

Grid had called himself 'Overgeared' since the time of the Invasion of OKLM. Grid really liked the word. Everyone, including the Tzedakah Guild members, were unexpectedly positive, except for Lauel. In fact, the name 'Overgeared' was even favored by the public, so Lauel was the only one who didn't like it.

When Grid was awarded Reidan, it became the first territory of the Overgeared Guild, which they had put great efforts to develop.