Carte Classement


Points :203.953
Rang :46
Adversaires battus : 179.019 (198.)
Tribu : OG
Bonus de nuit : Actuel : 00:00-08:00

Villages (46) Coordonnées Points
#001 - Reidan
476|464 10.469
#002 - Reidan's Barracks
476|466 10.469
#003 - Reidan's Workshop
475|464 10.469
#004 - Reidan's Headquarters
476|463 10.469
#005 - Reidan's Church
477|464 10.469
#006 - Reidan's Steel Mine
477|463 10.226
#007 - Reidan's Warehouse
473|462 10.469
#008 - Reidan's Smithy
474|462 10.469
#009 - Reidan's Timber Camp
471|461 9.224
#010 - Reidan's Clay Pit
471|463 7.586
#011 - Reidan's Hiding Place
473|461 4.528
#012 - Reidan's Market
473|463 4.302
#013 - Reidan's Statue
475|462 3.790
#014 - Reidan's Town Square
476|462 3.397
#015 - Reidan's Rally Point
477|462 6.943
#016 - Reidan's Stable
480|463 3.601
#017 - Reidan's Farmyard
478|463 2.719
#018 - Reidan's Barn
478|464 2.824
#019 - Reidan's Outer Wilds
481|464 4.739
#101 - Pangea
523|429 10.469
#102 - Pangea's Shed
522|428 10.336
#103 - Pangea's Iron Mine
522|429 7.916
#104 - Pangea's Warehouse
523|430 5.518
#105 - Pangea's Farm
521|426 6.826
#106 - Pangea's Castle
524|429 2.388
#107 - Pangea's Wall
524|428 2.126
#108 - Pangea's Fields
522|430 2.058
#109 - Pangea's Altar
521|428 1.326
#110 - Pangea's Temple
521|427 1.656
#111 - Pangea's Oasis
522|431 1.177
#112- Pangea's Desert
523|431 1.364
#113 - Pangea's Tomb
524|431 1.711
#114 - Pangea's Fort
525|430 1.374
#115 - Pangea's Stronghold
524|432 1.232
#116 - Pangea's Outpost
526|429 1.224
#117 - Pangea's Shelter
526|427 1.197
#118 - Pangea's Hiding Place
526|426 736
#119 - Pangea's Barbarian Camp
526|425 940
#120 - Pangea's Mill
522|426 456
#121 - Pangea's Smithy
522|425 584
#122 - Pangea's Alchemy Facility
523|425 478
#123 - Pangea's Workshop
522|424 470
#124 - Pangea's
519|425 653
#125 - Pangea's
519|426 744
#126 - Pangea's
520|430 788
#127 - Pangea's
520|431 1.044
Image personnelle
Texte personnel
Shin Youngwoo was an unlucky loser in life. He entered into debt to buy the gaming capsule needed to play the game Satisfy. He experienced a hard life and was forced into manual labor jobs to pay off the enormous debt, but he still played the game despite not being good at it.

His in-game character called Grid found unusual luck in a legendary class change item (Pagma's Rare Book) during an S-class quest. But hidden beneath that luck was his level dropping to -1. This was due to the legendary class change, and the failure of an SS rank quest by dying. He struggled to survive and made money in the world of Satisfy as the first negative leveled legendary class player.

Through effort and hard work he slowly rose from the bottom of the barrel to the top. He gained new comrades (player and NPC alike) with his charm, items, and dignity stat. He continues to create the ultimate items for himself and fights as a successor of Pagma, a legendary blacksmith and swordsman. In the meantime, he is no longer in Pagma's shadow, is on his way to mastering Control, and writes his own epics.

Autres Accomplissements
Bataille de barricades : Détective (Or - Niveau 4)

Complète 100% des étapes.

Bataille de barricades : Est-ce que tu l'as trouvé ?

Soit en tête du classement à la fin de la journée d'event.

Bataille de barricades : Prédateur (Or - Niveau 4)

Vaincs 180.000 unités ennemies dans la Bataille de barricades.